TAPAAL 2.1.0 is a major release with several new features and GUI improvements. The main updates include:

  • A new version of TAPAAL engine that allows to use discrete inclusion technique even for queries that are now upward closed.
  • Numerous GUI improvements including a fully resizable panels, possibility for different workspace configurations for showing/hiding the interval [0,inf), and more.
  • During the verification process there is now displayed a timer.
  • Simulator now displays a clickable list of enabled transitions in all active components.
  • New engine selection dialog provides an overview of the configured engines and the settings are remembered in preferences.
  • Improved batch processing dialog with a better layout and the possibility to individually select verification engines.
  • Sorting of components shared places/transitions, queries and constants in the editor panels.
  • Improved query dialog with simplified/advanced view.
  • New net statistics tool.
  • New hot key assignments including command-modification for Mac users.
  • When a transition is select in the editor window, it can be now rotated using the mouse wheel; if a place is selected the wheel changes the number of tokens in the place.
  • Improved installation options, including an .exe launcher for windows users.
  • Several bug fixes.